So this picture was from 10/10/10 what a neat date. There was actually someone that got married on sunday in Neillsville just for the date. The ceremony was at the highground(also very pretty this time of year) and reception at the old dome. We raked the leaves into a pile and lainey and ruby had some fun. I took lots of pictures and Daryn rested inside, he was sore from tracking the 8 pointer that he shot with his bow and never found. He tracked it with my dad for 5 hours and followed blood but no luck, I felt so bad. He did get his arrow back cause it went right thru the deer, he sure doesn't have much luck with anything!!!
So we also took a hayride on sunday with some friends (Kuhn's, Mohr's, Thoma's and Horn's) Dan drove his dad's tractor and Jerome came along. My dad fixed up a chopper box wagon into a really nice hayride wagon and it was gorgeous in the 80's. We started at Donna's then headed to Speak Easy and back to Donna's for the end of the horrible packer game. There we had a nice pot luck lunch and came back home. I sure love Sundays!!!!!!
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