Monday, November 15, 2010

My little turkey!

well actually I guess she's an indian, thanks to art class at school. We got her first ever report card cause 4k doesn't really count especially the terrible year we all had. So anyway her report card was awesome, top score was for coloring(a 4 which is never given) and a couple weeks ago she won the coloring contest at school for the second year in a row. I guess its a pretty big deal and she gets a nice prize.

So its been awhile since I've been on here, I was busy getting avon ready for the annual craft show at the legion. I never plan on selling much just getting my name out and I sold more than last year and gave lots of books away, so far 2 people have called so I guess it worked.

Daryn's still been busy hunting and with no luck. Its gotten colder now and we saw the first snow on sunday, so now he has a good cold from being out in it so much.

Sunday was a nice lazy day at home, we never left the house except for Daryn to hunt a little in the morning. Packers even had the day off but the bears and vikings played and the bears kicked butt!!! So I think the bears and packers are tied for first right now.

Please retire Brett, when I see you come on the field its like oh no not him again, sickening.

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